Columbia, SC — Today Perfonix, a new technology company specializing in custom interactive audio experiences, launched a Kickstarter campaign in order to reach their next level.
Have you ever heard a song and wished you could hear just the instrumental or just the a cappella? Or be listening to an explicit song and your kids walk in and wish you had the clean version? Now you can with Perfonix.
Perfonix is based on the audio format Stems. Stems is an audio file consisting of 3 or more tracks, also known as a multi-track file. Normally you don’t have access to manipulate those tracks. Now you can, using Perfonix’s patent pending controller.

“There are many playing in the stem space but yours is simplest for masses” - Tom Silverman, Founder of Tommy Boy RecordsPerfonix is revolutionary disruptive technology that will change the way people listen to music and artists express themselves.
Help us “Democratize your audio” with Perfonix!

To learn more, please visit: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1717259272/democratize-your-audio-with-perfonix

Hippie Torrales
Perfonix LLC
press contact: perfonixllc@gmail.com