Written by Adam Cruz — I've been spending a decent portion of the summer writing my first book. During this process, I've been reminded of Mel, my old boss at West End Records. Working at West End was a life changing experience for me, starting as a flyer designer to A&R/Production Director and later, as Vice President. Mel Cheren passed away in December of 2007 and I miss him dearly. Thankfully, I can watch and listen to him anytime by visiting YouTube. See at West End, We worked on a documentary based on Mel's autobiography, entitled "Keep On Dancin': My Life and the Paradise Garage." What memories! Check it out below - directed by Gene Graham and co-produced by yours truly, Francis Legge, Bryan Raughtan, Kevin Hedge, Andy Luna, Alex Jost and Lyn Woods.
Click here to watch this documentary on YouTube.