Written by Music Business Worldwide — Pandora has signed exclusive partnership with A Million Ads – in a deal the streaming company says will make it ‘the first publisher to bring the dynamic capabilities popular in display and video advertising to the audio marketplace’.
Leveraging a variety of listener demographic and consumption data, Pandora and A Million Ads say they can give marketers two new tools to reach Pandora’s 81 million active listeners:
- Real-time personalized creative at scale: ‘Build and serve personalized audio ads to listeners based on attributes like gender, age and zip code through a single tag. These real time ads also take into account variables such as location, time of day and weather, and allow advertisers to create thousands of versions of an audio ad easily and efficiently.’
- Sequential messaging and targeting: ‘Capture attention by telling a story over time through sequentially targeted audio ads that provide listeners with new pieces of information about a brand or product. Campaigns that tell a brand story before asking people to make a purchase have been proven significantly more effective than ones that immediately focus on people to take an action.‘
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